Thursday, August 14, 2014

Bacal's Briefs: Are You A Generational Bigot?

If all of the people who insist on telling us what and who the various generations are; X, Y, Z, and Millennials, here's a challenge.
The next time you are tempted to speak about "the generations", replace the generation moniker with, oh, let's say, women, or African Americans, or Hispanics, or Jews. Take your pick.
Why is it acceptable to stereotype various generations based on when they were born, something they have no control over, yet, we (and yes, I mean me, too), have fought for decades to break people of the unpleasant habit of stereotyping.
If you don't quite get the issue, it's pretty simple. Stereotyping is the underlying basis for both discrimination (the really offensive stuff), AND persecution.
It's an epidemic of incredible stupidity that strikes so many people, from regular folks, right through to researchers who have no idea how to do research.
One thing. Some of us out here see your articles and posts, whether telling us great millennials are, or how lazy, or any of the other BS, and YOU immediately show yourself to be ignorant, and/or completely lacking in reflection about what you are writing.
You ARE entitled. But don't expect much congratulations for promoting discrimination. I know you don't mean it. You just...well, didn't think of it that way. And in my book, that's a sin.
Not even worth a long post. Just...
A Bacal's Brief

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